
KeePassC is a curses-based password manager compatible to KeePass v.1.x and KeePassX

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KeePassC server - Introduction

Since v.1.6.0 KeePassC provides you a server. You can use it to connect to a database on a remote server (use as a multiuser database is supported) or to omit the password entering.

First you need to start the server with 'keepassc-server -d /path/to/database start'. Doing this the server binds to 'localhost:50000'. If you want to use the database in a network or on the internet (not tested yet but should work) use -a for the address and -p for another port, e.g. 'keepassc-server -a -p 50010 -d /path/to/database start'. The server binds to this address additionaly, i.e. it binds to 'localhost:50000', too, to enable database maintaining on the host. E.g. changing the database password is only possible from localhost! If you just use -a the server binds to port 50002 by default.

The whole communication is plain text. If you want to use TLS (former SSL) to encrypt the communication you can do this by using the -s option. If you want to forbid plain text communication use -S. However connection to "localhost:50000" is always without TLS, that's not a security hole. For a manual how to create TLS certificates look in 'man keepassc-server'

Using TLS is also recommended to check if the server does not pretend to be a valid KeePassC server. The client is doing this by checking if the certificate matches the correct hostname, by checking if it's signed by a valid CA and optionally by checking if the certificate has a correct fingerprint.

The last mentioned thing is called 'pinning' and is a better protection againt MITM-attacks. It's activated by default, for deactivation use the configuration menu (not recommended). How it works: At the first connect to the server the client checks if a fingerprint is saved. If not the client creates the fingerprint and saves it for the next time. If it's saved the client checks always if the fingerprint of the server matches the saved. If the server has a new certificate and you're sure that it's valid delete '~/.local/share/keepassc/pin'. If you use the enviroment variable 'XDG_DATA_HOME' the path is 'XDG_DATA_HOME/keepassc/pin'.

The first connection without a saved fingerprint is the most critical part. You've to be sure that the server is valid!

Summarized the database is protected by the following:

Now we've talked a lot about the client but how can we use it? There are many options: First you've to specify if you want to use the agent or not. Let's first look at the latter: Use 'keepassc -dc -e foo' to list all entries with 'foo' in title similar to the normal -e option. The -dc marks to use a direct connection to "localhost:50000" without the agent. If you want to connect to another server use -as for the server address and -ps for the port. Default for the port is 50002. If you want to use TLS use -s. If you need a keyfile use '-k /path/to/keyfile', i.e. you need the keyfile, too!

Using the agent to omit password entering is very simple, too: Just start it with 'keepassc-agent start'. The options are similar to the ones of 'keepassc -dc', just use 'keepassc-agent help' to watch them. By default the agent binds to port 50001 on localhost. Use -pc bind to another port.

If you want to use the normal KeePassC-interface 'keepassc -c'. You will be prompted for everything and do not need to specify options.